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PM at Deli Home

Role Product Manager Configurators
Company Deli Home - Gorinchem (NL)
Duration ~ 2 years

Leading the development
In my role as Product Manager Configurators (previously named product engineer), I was responsible for leading the development of configurators for panel-based furniture (cabinets, closets, doors and such). These web-based configurators enable customers from designing to ordering their custom products. I was part of the Storage business unit, that was in charge of the M2M (made-to-measure) cabinets and industrial style doors.

Using agile scrum sprints, I had to plan, prioritise and push developments. In my role it was important to be communicative with stakeholders and the development team to ensure successful product updates. A pragmatic attitude was a necessity since priorities were often shifted. With the fast pace it was also important to ensure collaboration stayed productive (and enjoyable!) with the available recourses.

This software was used not only by customers to design and order their products - the same system is used by the production team to plan and produce via an automated production facility. Due to the large amount of intertwined connected variables from design through production, product development was complex on the front-end as well as for the back-end.

New product
I had the great opportunity to start the development of a brand new cabinet configurator for interior designers, a new user group. As highly advanced users, this configurator enables them to design even more detailed M2M cabinets for their interior projects. After roughly a year of development (starting from user interviews to the launch of a product pilot), I ensured the software was ready to start its pilot March 2021. Because of the hard work of the product team and development team, we succesfully produced the first M2M cabinet at the start of the product pilot.

Responsibilities and tasks

leading the development process

conducting user research

translate business goals and user goals to product features

aligning priorities with stakeholders

ensuring clear design hand-off to developers

organising functional tests

providing feedback to refine features

organising workshops and demonstrations of new product features (in-company)

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